I was asked to provide references to the essays and books I mentioned in my talk. Here they are: Landow, George P. Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. 2nd ed. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. MIT Press, 2002. Manovich, Lev. “Database as Symbolic …
Category Archive: General

Finding and modifying WordPress themes
Links wordpress.org/extend/themes/ codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Child_Themes codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Templates codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Template_Files_List codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop codex.wordpress.org/Stepping_Into_Template_Tags codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/Anatomy_of_a_Template_Tag codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags Practice sites amandafrench.net/chastity amandafrench.net/temperance amandafrench.net/charity amandafrench.net/humility amandafrench.net/patience amandafrench.net/kindness amandafrench.net/diligence Tasks 1) Create a child theme for the TwentyTen theme (style.css file only). 2) Create an author.php template page for your child theme. 3) Add the user’s e-mail address to the author_meta 4) Add the template …
Fostering Conversation & Collaboration
As a board member for the Ohio Humanities Council, I’m often reminded that conversation is integral and crucial to the humanities; yet many would not consider how to use technology to foster conversation a humanities initiative. Inspired by the UMWBlogs and other university WordPress multisite platforms, a colleague and I embarked on a mission to …
“Magical” Tablets, Games + Books
The iPad is now old news, but we’re still not seeing many DH and academic types take advantage of some of the “magic” that Apple is selling. Whether you’re in to the mysticism surrounding tablets and mobile devices or not, these tools present new development opportunities and challenges that can change how we think about …
GSBS: a gradgrind game
4+ players Required equipment: one die, something to time with, and either paper and pen or a computer to type on. Goal: To become the last grad student standing, and thereby the next Advisor. Set-up: Pick one player as Advisor for a round, and all others become her or his Students. (Note: if one player …
Archaeology, Games, & Initiatives – Ethan’s Mixed Bag of Crazy Topic Ideas
In typical fashion, I can’t contain myself to one idea. So, here (very briefly, because this is sooper dooper late), are some things that I’d love to talk with people about. Archaeology & DH: Two Great Tastes That Should Taste Great Together (so why the hell don’t they)? Everyone in DH is talking about “the big …

There’s a typo in the wi-fi password on the back of your badges; ‘pre’ should actually be ‘pr3’. The rest of the password is correct. Happy internetting!
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