Late and short. That’s where I am for this year’s THATCamp. You can take that in all of the many ways that it was intended. So, I have two sessions to propose for consideration: 1) Next-Generation Crowdsourcing: Over the last couple of years we’ve seen a number of successful projects that solicit the contributions of …
Category Archive: General

Open-Omni Clearinghouse for Digital Humanities
Open-Omni is my term for all things “OPEN” such as open-source, open-access, open-scholarship, open-courseware, open-research, etc. etc. For a while I had been collecting the various sites and topics that they supported. I’m not sure that this needs to be a session per se of THATCamp, but I wonder if there is any meta-collection out …
Meaningful Play in Cultural Heritage
Going beyond the semantics of play and game, I’d like to propose a session discussing how play can be utilized to further the aims of cultural heritage programs. At MSU, the Campus Archaeology Program was created to mitigate and protect the historic and prehistoric archaeological resources of the campus. During the MSU Cultural Heritage Informatics field …
PROPOSAL: Best practices for structuring and visualizing research data
This session is happening! Sunday, 11:00 am – 12:15 pm, Room 92. If you’re interested, please (please please please) read and comment on the Googledocs draft session structure!!! There are a number of ongoing projects that center around structuring, storing, sharing and visualizing data within the humanities, ranging from well-known tools such as Zotero to …
Historical sense-making for minorities and diasporic populations
Writing the history of minorities and diasporic populations is a tricky business. Sources that could be used for this purpose are never where we think they are, most are not even in “memory institutions” (such as museums, archives and libraries), and what is accessible might not even be reliable, authentic, or evidential. People live history. …
DH, meet libraries. libraries, this is DH.
recently mpow has hired a canada research chair in digital humanities. obviously i’m dying to partner on oh-so-many projects, but before that, i’d love to hear from everyone at THATCamp about what they are looking for in terms of library support for their research – or does the library not even cross your mind? i …

Final reminders, updates
Hi all, Just a couple of updates. Note well that we’ve shifted the times a bit for the morning workshops tomorrow — we’ve shortened the sessions a bit, because we felt that at an hour forty-five they were a bit long. Shortening them also gives us more time for livestream of Digital Campus, which is …
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