inclusion – THATCamp CHNM 2011 The Humanities and Technology Camp Thu, 04 Sep 2014 01:47:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Proposal: Inclusion = 1 Part Yack + 2 Parts Hack Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:30:42 +0000

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Context: What if we stopped using the terms “diversity” and “accessibility” and started using the term “inclusion” instead? Or what if we started using “inclusion” in addition to the other terms? One reason would be strategic, creating alliance among groups that might otherwise remain disparate. Another reason would be to move our conversations from discussions of abstract qualities (Is your field diverse? Are your resources accessible?) to discussions of concrete actions (What are you doing to include people? And what are you doing to exclude people?)

Environment Scan: I’m not the only one thinking about the importance of inclusion:

Clearly, it seems to me, there’s something in the water. . .

Proposal: I propose that we approach these issues in two ways.

  • First, let’s yack about what the barriers to inclusion are so that we understand more fully what’s at issue. Several of the sessions already proposed are exactly the kind of yacking I’m thinking about.
  • Second, let’s hack away at those barriers. And I use the term “hack” to mean “a good workaround” or “a good-enough solution.” Sometimes a “hack” will involve the use of technology, but sometimes it will not. A given hack could be put together during THATCampCHNM 2011 or it could be planned as an ongoing task/project with a life beyond this unconference.

[Creative Commons-licensed flickr photo by Ewan Munro]

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